Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm glad September is over. I hate it when the weather changes.

I actually got an email today from a fan of this blog who asked if everything was OK because I haven't posted any new stuff in several weeks. Well, we are pretty much OK but you can blame most of our problems on the weather. Summer came to a rather abrupt end around Labor Day and the weather turned cold and rainy. This entire year has had weather records broken here. Every year when the seasons change quickly I have a difficult time adapting to the change and wind up catching a cold. We seem to be turning the heat on one day and the air conditioning on the next. My wife has some ongoing health issues and needed several trips to the doctors. The Rottweilers are all enjoying themselves and seem to take everything in stride. Here is a new picture that managed to catch all of them of the furniture. Even the elusive Sassy.

And, I have to make an announcement. My baby Rottweiler Ruff will be 5 years old next month on November 13th. A few months after I got him I went out and bought a new Nikon digital camera so I could take some better quality pictures of our best friends. The picture you see above is the 9,954 picture taken with this camera. I am saving the soon to arrive 10,000th picture to take of our fully grown Ruff on his birthday. So bear with me folks, I only got 40 shots left to spread out over 6 weeks.


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