Thursday, December 3, 2015

The 2015 Rottweiler Christmas card project begins

Oh what fun we had. Really! Its hard to describe the total lack of cooperation I got while trying out my new shutter remote. At least these will get a few laughs. We're going to try this again, possibly tomorrow. I didn't use any leashes today but the two big problems were Bessie didn't want to look at the camera and I was only able to get Axl to sit up for one picture.
The dry run. Checking the camera angle.
Notice that old man Axl is still laying in his favorite spot on the couch. I had thoughts of leaving him there and me squeezing in next to Jacqueline and then calling for Bess and Ruff to come site in front of us. It didn't work too well. I couldn't get Axl to move over at all and I was afraid to try and lift him.
Changed plans when Ruff and Bessie came in. I got Axl off the couch and I went to the kitchen and brought back a handful of small biscuits to bribe them with. Of course, Ruff's food radar zeroed in on the biscuits and he kept waiting for another handout. I gave one biscuit to Ruff and tossed two more on the floor for Bess and Axl hoping they would turn and look at the camera.
Then I realized that the camera wasn't picking up Axl so I had to tilt it down more. I also tried to get Bessie to site on the couch between my wife and me but all she wanted to do was lay in my lap and stare at the biscuits.
Then I got off the couch and picked up Axl so he was in a sitting position. This lasted only for one picture.
As usual the last picture always seems to be the best. Maybe its after everyone calms down, but I am going to have to refine my techniques and keep trying.
Followup: did you wonder what Bessie and Ruff were staring at in some of the above photos? Here is the answer.
They don't miss a thing.


  1. Hahahah, Too Clever for you Nelson. Looking good. They look gorgeous... well done

    1. Hi, Flee, how is your Big Moment coming along. Think you should know the second attempt with the Christmas card project came out worse than the first one. Don't know if I have time for a third.

  2. Love to visit your site with your stories and photos.

    1. Thank you. I enjoy sharing my photos and stories. Just a small request, when you post a comment here for the first time, please tell us where you are from.
