Wednesday, August 16, 2017

How is Your Mush Bucket Holding Up.

How is Your Mush Bucket Holding Up.

For those who don’t know a mush bucket is something used by all dogs in general and old dogs in particular, to carry around their mush. Mush is what you give your dogs every day. It has another name, its called LOVE. Hugs and kisses are also referred to as mush, as well. Old dogs need more mush than young dogs because they live on love and love is a very powerful vitamin.

So to explain the reason why old dogs need so much mush it is because as they get old their mush bucket gets holes in it which causes the mush to leak out so it has to be refilled more often. So when one of my old Rottweilers come up to me and lay their heads in my lap I know exactly what they need. As I begin to scratch their ears and kiss the top of their heads I say to them, “Do you need some more mush? Does your mush bucket have holes in it again?” And the old Rottweiler will always agree by making some soft moaning sounds.


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